I bet you thought I wouldn't be back, didn't you?
Silly you.
So what have I been up to in my six-month-long blog absence?
I went to Realmmakers.
And had a great time! (No younglings were harmed in the making of this photo.)
I learned a lot about writing and injuries and had a bunch of fun with my sister and Jaye L. Knight and Tricia Mingerink, my roomies. Definitely recommend! (Although my bank account cried because of it.)
I got all As in my college classes!
I just about went crazy doing it, but I survived!
I wrote a bunch of Star Wars fanfiction!
And I'm not even sorry. It kept me sane while my brain was sucked away by papers and I had none left to get unstuck in my original work.
I learned some things in my foray into the world of fanfiction along with having a great time.
First of all, no one understands how to spell discreet. It's not discrete, it's discreet. Merlin did not sneak down the hallway like a whole number, he snuck down the hallway attracting little notice.
There is no such thing as Force suppressors besides ysalamiri, yet people are obsessed with putting it in their works.
Most Star Wars fans that write fanfiction take the side of Anakin without stopping to consider that the other characters had very valid points and that Anakin's view is incredibly colored and biased.
Also, some people in this world really need Jesus.
I have been horrified by some of the ships out there. Padme/Han, Leia/Boba Fett, Luke/Boba Fett, Luke/Din Djarin, Anakin/Ahsoka, Jango/Obi-Wan, Vader/Tarkin, Ahsoka/Maul...
What is wrong with some of you guys?
Also, I really wish books had AO3 tags. It would make it so much easier to find the books I want to read without being shocked by main characters dying at the end, making me want to throw the book across the room (but I can't because it's on Kindle. Ugh.) Enemies-to-Lovers, Angst with a happy ending, Hurt/Comfort, Whump... I just need AO3 tags on my books, please.
Not related to fanfiction, I have learned I really hate the old people Facebook memes bashing the current generation because back in the Revolution they were real men, not wimps, they didn't have allergies and chronic illnesses and mental health issues and such.
I read a lot of great books!
And some...not so great ones.
What even was that incest plotline in City of Bones? Why would you write that? What is wrong with that author? Somebody spent a little too much time watching The Empire Strikes Back.
And Jesus and John Wayne was just...there are no words.
I also got a cat!
Isn't he a beauty? I named him Pippin and it fits so well, crazy guy.
All in all, it hasn't been a bad year. Here's to a new one in which I don't drop off the face of the earth for six months!